Learning to Eat

WFPB: Three Reasons & Three Routes

Welcome to EatWell.MD! So you’re interested in modifying your diet to a diet with little to no animal protein and more plant protein- a Whole Food Plant Based diet. Most make this decision because of one or more of three basic reasons:

While the first two reasons are indisputable (really, just Google it if you have questions-), EatWell.MD is clearly about the third– I cannot find even just ONE disease made worse with a WFPB diet. (I’ll let you know if I discover a medical condition improved with animal protein and fat– and no, the Keto and Atkins diets are not the exception.)

It is time to save yourself and your family from disease with “clean eating”.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

No, not this one…

This, dear friends, is revolutionary, even though it took the medical profession a couple thousand years to acknowledge the point, and still longer to embrace it.  And even if you’re not in the place to take the big step into WFPB/vegan life (Think Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones), even small steps will help your health. Check out this image from xxxxx (Yikes– trying to find it in my computer– stay tuned!). 

The middle vertical line is an average risk of death; things to the right increase mortality, and to the left decrease mortality. Of course, to the left of the mortality line we have radical items such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans. No brainer, right?

Now look right. At the far right we have tasty processed meats then red meats (now each in turn judged by the World Health Organization as Class 1 and Class 2A carcinogens (read more here https://www.iarc.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr240_E.pdf). 

So then you say to yourself, “Self– let’s eat more chicken and turkey! That’s supposed to be healthy!” And yes, poultry is more healthy than red meat, but a diet rich in poultry still increases mortality (and even carries an increased risk of UTIs, see here https://nutritionfacts.org/video/urinary-tract-infections-from-eating-chicken/).

So go fish? Better, but heavy metals, plastics… Eggs, milk, and cheese? Better still, but still some mortality there .

My goal at EatWell.MD is to shift your eating patterns to the left of the graph as much as you and your family will tolerate, and to provide tasty tested recipes so amazeballs that you won’t miss the meat.

So how do we move toward WFPB AKA Vegan? I believe that there are three routes to choose amongst.

Although strides have been made in the faux meat camp, it’s just not my thing. And although I’ll happily order tofu at an Asian restaurant, I just haven’t mastered the medium. Nothing wrong with either of those two routes, I just prefer international bean cuisine. As a foodie I can say that the flavors are amazing, and it’s even lower cost than a standard diet of processed foods and meat protein. And it’s good your your health.

So join me on your journey toward a WFPB diet. Please save yourself.

“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people

how not to need it.”


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